It was only a matter of time before Afrojack wanted his own piece of one the biggest hits of the year, Avicii’s “Wake Me Up”. Giving it a more direct 4×4 beat background, Afrojack doesn’t do all that much to it prior to his iteration of the drop, which isn’t all that much either. It employs a fairly simple, yet unique, progressive beat that Afrojack seems to always be able to deliver with. You’re not finding an improved version here necessarily, just more or less an edit that Afrojack can employ in his club sets. Check it out below:
Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 4, 2014
Avicii – Wake Me Up (Afrojack Remix)
It was only a matter of time before Afrojack wanted his own piece of one the biggest hits of the year, Avicii’s “Wake Me Up”. Giving it a more direct 4×4 beat background, Afrojack doesn’t do all that much to it prior to his iteration of the drop, which isn’t all that much either. It employs a fairly simple, yet unique, progressive beat that Afrojack seems to always be able to deliver with. You’re not finding an improved version here necessarily, just more or less an edit that Afrojack can employ in his club sets. Check it out below:
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